Alexander the... [Elisa]

I’m just going to flat out say it. It’s no surprise, looking at the the title of this website and this blog post. This is about Alexander the Great. The real question is: what do I think of him?

The answer is, in this case, not as easy as saying whether I think he’s great or not. I do think he’s great. Great, with a large impact and lots of power. But it’s not settled quite yet. I think he’s great, but I don’t think he’s good. There is, of course, a difference between these other than amplitude. To be great, you just have to be brave enough to speak up, strong enough to do something, and perseverant enough to make yourself known.

These traits sound pretty good, right? Well, they are… alone. There are good traits that match up with these well. But there are bad ones, too. Greed, bloodlust, arrogance. Those are a few. Imagine somebody with all six of those traits. Pretty terrifying, huh? Now, as “Alexander the Great but not Good” was hanging around on planet earth in ancient times, we really can’t tell much about his personality. But (assuming you’re on board with this) there are some things we can use to prove that Alexander was great, but not good.

Okay… “Chart of Alexander the Great’s Legacy…” With this one source, we can kill two birds with one stone(relatively speaking). And it’s not really hidden, either.I mean, seriously,  he killed 100,000 soldiers in 4 battles. It’s even in the complete center of the page. Imagine the total of kills in every one of his battles… Well, I guess that checks bloodlust off of our list… except there’s more.
In a battle against Porus, a prince on the eastern bank of the Hydaspes river, he seemingly had no mercy. He snuck up and made the war elephants of his enemies rampage, killing, and I quote, “..friend no less than foe, with men trampled under as as the beasts twisted and turned.”¹ I won’t give you the bloody details because 1) I know some of you are probably squeamish like me, and 2) I don’t have any bloody details to give.   It may seem like that wraps it up for this one, but I have to say there’s one more. Now, remember, this is all just for one trait. You might be thinking, “How much merciless bloodlust can one guy have?” And my answer is: a lot. And if you weren’t thinking that, then I’m sorry I couldn’t read your mind before this is even published. But now for the rest of the bloodlust supplied to me.

Remember when I talked about how Alexander conquered lots of land? Now, just wait a minute before you scroll up the page to find that part. I’m going to spare you of that possible humiliation. I haven’t actually talked about it yet. But, I guess, as of now, I have. Now, down to business. Besides the fact that he conquers supports his greed (also shown on the chart of his legacy), there is one specific battle proving ultimate bloodlust, and of course greed.  This time, we will hypothetically travel to Tyre, a city that boasts its incounquerabiliy (if that even is a word). Naturally, thanks to his arrogance, (this one proves all three) he tries to conquer it. Once he tried, the city held out for seven months. Instead of giving up to an apparent lost cause like a normal person, ALexander instead kept fighting and lost a considerable amount of his men, and killing 7,000 Tyrians² And get this: Seeing their rival city struggle, the (former) rival of Tyre came to help the obviously suffering city. Alexander didn’t even stop when the rival came to help. Is anybody else also phased by the fact that their rival came to help?  His greed and bloodlust and arrogance must have really taken over, to come to “sacrificing” a considerable number of his men for a single city.

Well, I guess that’s what happens when you take somebody great and add vicious qualities. There are more examples of this, like Donald Trump, Voldemort, and others, but none are really quite as bad, and none are quite the same. Oh, Alexander the Great, why did you have to be so terrible? I guess this really leaves some people thinking, “ What would a better name for Alexander be? He’s a horrible person. His title is misleading. I guess for no, he should just be Alexander the ______.” But if you aren't thinking that after all of the proof of bloodlust and greed and arrogance, I’m sorry, but I don’t know what’ll convince you.

Alexander The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Dude [Piper]

So… was Alexander the Great bad, or not? Well in my opinion he wasn’t the greatest guy. In fact… he was horrible! If you know a little bit about Alexander, you know that he spread his Greek ideas. Even though it sounds like a good deed, it really wasn’t. Yes, some people did adopt his ideas and culture and way of life, but the bigger population didn’t like what he was encouraging. So what would he do if you disobeyed him? He would kill you or force you to believe in him by using terror, torture,or worst of all… he would burn your city to the ground and  enslave you and your family. This actually wasn’t the worst part. It was pretty much up there though. If I were Alexander’s slave the worst part for me would be doing his dirty work. By dirty work, I mean killing “important” and “unimportant” people in the city-state.

I’ve clearly stated that I really disliked Alexander, but there are definitely more reasons to not honor him in any kind of history. I’m not forcing my opinions on you (like Alexander did), but I really think he was a bully. I’m actually glad that he died before the age of thirty. Blah blah blah elephents, blah blah blah illness. Yeah so anyway, Alexander the great wasn’t great at all. He should have been called Alexander the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Dude.

Alexander the Greatly Overrated [Garrett]

While Alexander the “Great” was an effective conquer he was not a great ruler.   To define a “Great” ruler I would say as well as many other, that it means someone who cares for their people, Alexander did not care.  He slaughtered a city, he killed someone for helping, and he slayed thousands.
The city of Tyre was one of the cities Alexander conquered and it was a walled city on an island.  When Alexander attacked after building a bridge to the island he burned the city and ordered his soldiers to kill anyone who did not seek sanctuary in the temple1.  Later all of those that hid in the temple were sold into slavery1 and 2000 military age men were crucified1.
Once Alexander killed someone for helping him.  This occurred when Alexander’s hat blew off him and got caught on something in the seas, and so a sailor went and fetched it.  The sailor decided to put it on so it wouldn’t get wet.  He was sentenced to death for that2.
In just four battles 100,000 people were killed, citizens and soldiers3.  So basically Alexander had a lot of anger issues.

1 Excerpt from “Alexander of Macedon” by Peter Green
2 “The Legend of the Hat Band” by Lucius Flavius Arrianus

3 The chart of Alexander’s legacy compiled from various sources

Alexander the Great(est) [Jasmyn]

Alexander the Great,

 Alexander the Great is one of the greatest conquerors of all time. Hey, the guy conquered 2,000,000 square miles of land in only 11 years!1 BTW, that’s larger than India! He basically conquered the whole ancient world known to him. Plus, he started conquering at the age of 20.2 I mean, who is thinking about conquering the whole world at the age of 20? I know I’m not. I mean, look at the size of his empire when he died!


Alexander was with his army almost every battle. According to the Mini Q- How great was Alexander the Great?,”More than once, Alexander was at the front of an attack.” Most rulers I’ve learned about were the type of guys who sat back and watched the army fight whoever they wanted to conquer, or they were a commander and didn’t really fight.

One time, the army was crossing a desert, and Alexander, like everyone else was tormented by thirst, but he continued to march on foot ahead of his men. Then a party of light infantry who went off looking for water found some, and hurried it back to Alexander, and put it in a helmet for him to drink. He thanked them, then in full view of his troops poured the water on the ground, showing that he wanted to be fair and equal to everyone in the army, and wouldn’t drink without his men.3

Because of Alexander Greek ideas spread to Egypt, the Near East and beyond. Alexander established many Greek-style cities all over his empire. Settlers from Greece flocked to Alexander’s cities. At one point one of these cities, Alexandria in Egypt became one of the ancient world’s most important centers of trade and learning.4

And so I would like to conclude with a letter.

Dear Alexander,
You were:
  • “the Great”
  • A brave conqueror
  • Cool
  • Fair
  • A good leader
  • A risk-taker
  • Awesome
Thank you Alexander, for everything you’ve done to spread Greek culture. Thank you, Alexander for being fair to your soldiers and people. Thank you, Alexander for being ambitious and inspiring. I wish I could meet you. You are definitely Alexander the Great(est).

1Mini Q- How great was Alexander the Great?
2Mini Q- How Great was Alexander the Great?
3Mini Q- How Great was Alexander the Great?
4History Alive! The Ancient world

Was Alexander the Great Really Great? [Syrus]

Does a man who crucified 2,000 men deserve the title “great” in his name?[1] I don’t think so!

With wars comes many deaths and injuries. Alexander may have conquered 2 million square miles of land by the end of his life, but people are forgetting one thing:

With claiming others land may end up in wars. Maybe this is how he has killed an estimated of a 100,000 people in just four battles?![2] I mean, seriously, if you do the math 100,000 is a gigantic number.


I don’t know about you, but if this guy was going to invade my city in that time period, I would surrender without a fight just like the cities/empires along the Mediterranean Coast did because man, he is ruthless.

According to the “Alexander of Macedonia” by Peter Green:

When Alexander and his army reached a town called Tyre he was furious that they were able to hold him off for seven months, so when he got to the island and invaded the city everyone that did not sought sanctuary (safety in a temple) was to be either slain or executed. Now that totally sounds great.

That wasn’t all he did. Alexander and his empire sold the surviving 30,000 into slavery and crucified 2000 men that were military age. Buildings were burnt to the ground and many people had died. The air had been thick with ash and smoke. The people of Tyre were obviously treated severely.

According to “The Legend of the Hat Band” by Ian Worthington:

Legend has it that Alexander was wearing a hat with a band. One day there were strong gusty winds so then the hat fell into the water, but then the band was carried away by the winds. One of his men went to get it by swimming there. Once he reached the place where it was he couldn’t carry it with his hands, so he put it on his head. When he got back, Alexander was so pleased with the man’s work so then he gave him a reward of more than 10,000 dollars. Right after that he had him executed because apparently the prophets told him that he shouldn’t have anyone else to wear the the hat band. To be safe just because of a hat band he killed the guy who retrieved his hat band.

For a guy that has killed over 100,000 people in four wars, sold 30,000 to enslavery, crucified 2,000 men, and executing a man who retrieved his significant, sacred hat band definitely does not deserve the title “great” in his name.

1 Alexander of Macedonia - Created by Peter Green

2 The Chart of Alexander’s Legacy - Created by Various Sources

Alexander the Great was GREAT, that’s why he’s called that! [Jasmine]

Alexander conquered the world, and was a very great man, brave and dauntless and generous to his followers.1 You’re probably thinking of course Alexander the Great was great, that’s why he’s called that! But you probably didn’t know what he did that was so great, so let me tell you.

Alexander was born in 356 BCE in a kingdom on the edge of northern Greece called Macedonia2. He learned academic subjects, politics, sports, and warfare from Aristotle so that he could prepare for kingship. Pretty cool, right? In 336 BCE, his father, King Philip of Macedonia was assassinated! I know, it was so sad. Alexander was soon declared king. He was 20 when he inherited the empire! That’s pretty young!

Alexander was concerned about other, especially his men. I know, I know, we are all concerned about others, but Alexander wanted to be as equally miserable as men when they were crossing the desert. Which means he wanted to be just as thirsty and tired as them. That’s surprising because he was their king and he could tell them what to do. So he could be all like “ Hey you! I want a root beer float right now and I mean now! Chop, chop! “ (I don’t think root beer floats existed yet, but you get my point). So what happened was that some of his soldiers went to look for water and they found some. Before they went back to Alexander and the rest of their crew, they made sure to fill a helmet with water. They brought it back to Alexander and he took it and said thanks. He held the helmet high in the air, in full view of his army, and poured the water onto the ground. So extraordinary was the effect of this action that the water wasted by Alexander was as good as a drink for every man in the army.3 I mean that is just amazing! He didn’t want to be selfish so he poured the water instead of drinking it! That was definitely GREAT of him to do that. Great, get it? Ha, ha, ha! No? Sorry about that.

As you can see Alexander not selfish and was kind to his men. Even though he was their king, he wanted to be as equal as them. Alexander definitely earned the title, “Alexander the Great!”

1 In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great - Michael Wood
2 The Mini Q - How Great was Alexander the Great?

3 The Campaigns of Alexander - Lucius Flavius Arrianus

Alexander the Great [Yusuf]

How great was Alexander the Great? Well, as the name implies, he was pretty great! After all, he conquered 2,000,000 sq feet of land, and it’s because of him there was a period called the Hellenistic Age!1 Alexander the Great was the son of Philip of Macedonia, who conquered ancient greece before being assassinated 2. Alexander must have inherited a bit too many conquering genes. Alex,(is it okay if I call him that?)  took over the empire at the age of 20! Right after college, he’s ordering an army, and ruling an empire2. He decides to pick up what his father dropped, and try and take over the persian empire2. If we had a dialogue before he marched off, it would go something like this.




Me: It doesn’t bother you that the Persian empire is the largest, strongest empire in the world at the moment.
Alex: Yeah, no biggie. I have the coolest empire and army. Besides, I took over the Greeks, and they defeated the Persians a few times.
Me: First off, your father conquered the Greeks, and  
second, they were still recovering from a war!
Alex: We have Greek and Macedonian fighters who will be more willing to fight. I will walk in my father’s sandal steps.
Interesting conversation. Anyway, Alex is conquering places left and right! Asia Minor, the Mediterranean coast, Egypt, Mesopotamia, eastern Asia, 
and into the indus river valley. 

Image result for alexander the great legend of the helmet

But then, he was stopped! Dun- dun DUUUUUUN! By his own army! Dun-dun-DUUUUUUN! Because they were sick of conquering for 8 years straight! Dun-dun-DUUUUUUN! On their way back, they crossed a desert! Dun-du--; Okay, I’ll stop. Anyway, they crossed a desert. Legend has it, that some of the men found water! They brought it back for Alex to drink in a helmet. (Did I mention the entire army was dying of thirst?)”Alexander, with a word of thanks for the gift, took the helmet and in full view of his troops, poured the water on the ground.” Man! What a waste! But, it showed Alex’s selflessness, and it motivated the men, considering the fact he had technically said they were all equals. How great Was Alexander the Great? Well, let's just say he sure was Great!

Alexander of Macedon - Great or Not? [Ani]

Did the young ruler Alexander really deserve the title “Alexander the Great”? Recently, historians have questioned Alexander’s actions. Some think he was a bad ruler. But if so, how did he conquer the massive Persian Empire (It spanned from Greece, to Egypt, to India)? Of course he was great. Alexander was a proper ruler. He adopted foreign ideas, built up cultures, and he was an extraordinary leader.

Alexander the Great mosaic.jpg. "

Alexander was only 20 when the tiny Macedonian Kingdom became his. His empire grew enormous. According to Chart of Alexander’s Legacy, he conquered 2,000,000 square miles of land in just 11 years.

 His empire used to be the tiny land of Macedonia (The Purple on the map), but when Alexander ruled, it grew and spanned across Persia, Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Greece, and Egypt (The Green AND Purple). Alexander marched his army through the land. Just another fact that made Alexander so great.
Alexander was a proper ruler. He adopted foreign ideas, built up cultures, and he was an extraordinary ruler. In “The Legend of the Helmet” by Lucius Flavius Arrianus, Alexander was in the desert leading an army. He needed water for the army, so he sent scouts to look for water. They found a small trickle of water and brought it back. They poured it in Alexander’s Helmet, but Alexander dumped the water on the ground as all of the soldiers looked. Some may say this was stupid and            

 Spartan helmet on display at

Wasteful, but it was actually smart. The soldiers would have felt as if someone had an unfair advantage. This story shows how Alexander was wise and fair.
He also made others greet him in the Persian Style. He used Persian government, wore Persian clothes, and honored their gods. He wanted to adopt foreign culture. He began to unify his empire by encouraging everyone to live together, marry, and use customs.

Costumes of an ancient Persian
So basically, Alexander the Great…

  1. Conquered the ENTIRE Persian Empire
  2. Made sure everyone had equal chances
  3. Adopted foreign culture and united them

Alexander the Great always truly deserved the title, “Alexander THE GREAT”. The Great Alexander stopped his conquest near India. His soldiers were away from home far too long-11 years. After celebrations at home, Alexander fell sick. He died at 32, and his empire fell soon after. But his legacy lived on, and it still continues.

Alexander and his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad ways. [Dillon]

Hi, first off let me tell you, you are here for two reasons only, to find out if Alexander the Great was GREAT and....MY TITLE.  Come on I know your type, “Hey, this guy has got a funny, clever, original title.”  Let me tell you.. It’s not original!  I got it from a book called “Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day”  and let me tell you, my two word swapping mind is pleased with this title.  So if you now think I am this lame, uncreative, guy than just leave.  Ya, thats right, press the little back arrow in the top left corner...I DARE YOU(just kidding don’t leave me in this big wide open world, all by myself).  Now ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, presenting… Alexander and his terrible, it let’s GO!

Right when Alexander was born ancient Greece was in a battle with...EACH OTHER. Yes the Peloponnesian wars were going on, and King Philip of Macedonia(Alexander's Dad)was going to exploit this and take over Greece. When Philip took over Greece, Alexander got the best teacher in the world...Aristotle(And if you don’t know who Aristotle is...LOOK IT UP YOURSELF).  Aristotle taught young Alexander all he needed to know as a young prince should know like politics, academics, sports and...WARFARE!  Learning these things from Aristotle, Alexander as ready to be a king...and soon he was.  His father died and Alexander got everything he wanted...except the Persian empire.  Ya, the big Kahoona was on his father's, “Things To Own” list(King Philip also wanted a Ferrari)and Alexander, no King Alexander was going to carry it out.1  To carry out this tall order Alexander would have to lie, cheat and MURDER his way through the Persian Empire. WAS HEW GREAT??????

To start of this MURDERING spree, Alexander claimed the Persian throne after(he took out Egypt, but I left that out)King Darius “mysteriously” died.  Now you may think, HEY IF HE HAS THE THRONE, HE HAS PERSIA, RIGHT BRO!!!, but I DONT KNOW THATS WHAT I SAID!!!  Back on track, with the throne under him, Alexander went across ALL of Persia to get his people's trust.  Without the trust Alexander would be hated, he does not want that.  Alexander met 5 resistances along his route and he named 11 cities ALEXANDRIA, that’s 11 more than you need.    

(Look at the Map, notice it only shows 3 battles, DEAL WITH IT!)2  

One of theses 5 resistance battles was on the Hydaspes River, in this fight Alexander broke 2 major rule of war(that existed then).  The 1st rule Alexander broke was fighting in the night, the 2nd rule was that he hid(for the whole battle look it up).  Breaking rules is not ok, but Alexander did that 3, 

Alexander cheated/scammed his way to respect by calling himself a...yes..GOD! Yes starting in Egypt, Alexander went into an Oracle’s place, and came out as a GOD. To resemble his GODLINESS Alexander wore a crown of 2 rams horns, like the ones that belonged to Ammon.  Then he went to Greece and said,” I AM A SON OF ZEUS!”...and people bought it.  
He also married the dead king’s Daughter!4  


SO FINALLY...YOU MADE IT THE END...YAAAAY.  But was Alexander Great and does he deserve that title ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YES HE DOES, I mean look at the dude he took over the PERSIAN EMPIRE, that’s ummm, 1, 2, 3...2,000,000sq miles of land that’s A LOT of land. So now leave be mad at me yell at me for my name is… D***** ******* ******!!!!! GOOOD BYE.

    The Mini Q-How Great Was Alexander the Great.1

Alexanders Empire-Various Sources.2

The Campaigns of Alexander-Lucas Flavius Arrianus-circa 130 C.E.3

History Alive-The Ancient World.4