Alexander and his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad ways. [Dillon]

Hi, first off let me tell you, you are here for two reasons only, to find out if Alexander the Great was GREAT and....MY TITLE.  Come on I know your type, “Hey, this guy has got a funny, clever, original title.”  Let me tell you.. It’s not original!  I got it from a book called “Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day”  and let me tell you, my two word swapping mind is pleased with this title.  So if you now think I am this lame, uncreative, guy than just leave.  Ya, thats right, press the little back arrow in the top left corner...I DARE YOU(just kidding don’t leave me in this big wide open world, all by myself).  Now ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, presenting… Alexander and his terrible, it let’s GO!

Right when Alexander was born ancient Greece was in a battle with...EACH OTHER. Yes the Peloponnesian wars were going on, and King Philip of Macedonia(Alexander's Dad)was going to exploit this and take over Greece. When Philip took over Greece, Alexander got the best teacher in the world...Aristotle(And if you don’t know who Aristotle is...LOOK IT UP YOURSELF).  Aristotle taught young Alexander all he needed to know as a young prince should know like politics, academics, sports and...WARFARE!  Learning these things from Aristotle, Alexander as ready to be a king...and soon he was.  His father died and Alexander got everything he wanted...except the Persian empire.  Ya, the big Kahoona was on his father's, “Things To Own” list(King Philip also wanted a Ferrari)and Alexander, no King Alexander was going to carry it out.1  To carry out this tall order Alexander would have to lie, cheat and MURDER his way through the Persian Empire. WAS HEW GREAT??????

To start of this MURDERING spree, Alexander claimed the Persian throne after(he took out Egypt, but I left that out)King Darius “mysteriously” died.  Now you may think, HEY IF HE HAS THE THRONE, HE HAS PERSIA, RIGHT BRO!!!, but I DONT KNOW THATS WHAT I SAID!!!  Back on track, with the throne under him, Alexander went across ALL of Persia to get his people's trust.  Without the trust Alexander would be hated, he does not want that.  Alexander met 5 resistances along his route and he named 11 cities ALEXANDRIA, that’s 11 more than you need.    

(Look at the Map, notice it only shows 3 battles, DEAL WITH IT!)2  

One of theses 5 resistance battles was on the Hydaspes River, in this fight Alexander broke 2 major rule of war(that existed then).  The 1st rule Alexander broke was fighting in the night, the 2nd rule was that he hid(for the whole battle look it up).  Breaking rules is not ok, but Alexander did that 3, 

Alexander cheated/scammed his way to respect by calling himself a...yes..GOD! Yes starting in Egypt, Alexander went into an Oracle’s place, and came out as a GOD. To resemble his GODLINESS Alexander wore a crown of 2 rams horns, like the ones that belonged to Ammon.  Then he went to Greece and said,” I AM A SON OF ZEUS!”...and people bought it.  
He also married the dead king’s Daughter!4  


SO FINALLY...YOU MADE IT THE END...YAAAAY.  But was Alexander Great and does he deserve that title ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YES HE DOES, I mean look at the dude he took over the PERSIAN EMPIRE, that’s ummm, 1, 2, 3...2,000,000sq miles of land that’s A LOT of land. So now leave be mad at me yell at me for my name is… D***** ******* ******!!!!! GOOOD BYE.

    The Mini Q-How Great Was Alexander the Great.1

Alexanders Empire-Various Sources.2

The Campaigns of Alexander-Lucas Flavius Arrianus-circa 130 C.E.3

History Alive-The Ancient World.4