Alexander the Great [Yusuf]

How great was Alexander the Great? Well, as the name implies, he was pretty great! After all, he conquered 2,000,000 sq feet of land, and it’s because of him there was a period called the Hellenistic Age!1 Alexander the Great was the son of Philip of Macedonia, who conquered ancient greece before being assassinated 2. Alexander must have inherited a bit too many conquering genes. Alex,(is it okay if I call him that?)  took over the empire at the age of 20! Right after college, he’s ordering an army, and ruling an empire2. He decides to pick up what his father dropped, and try and take over the persian empire2. If we had a dialogue before he marched off, it would go something like this.




Me: It doesn’t bother you that the Persian empire is the largest, strongest empire in the world at the moment.
Alex: Yeah, no biggie. I have the coolest empire and army. Besides, I took over the Greeks, and they defeated the Persians a few times.
Me: First off, your father conquered the Greeks, and  
second, they were still recovering from a war!
Alex: We have Greek and Macedonian fighters who will be more willing to fight. I will walk in my father’s sandal steps.
Interesting conversation. Anyway, Alex is conquering places left and right! Asia Minor, the Mediterranean coast, Egypt, Mesopotamia, eastern Asia, 
and into the indus river valley. 

Image result for alexander the great legend of the helmet

But then, he was stopped! Dun- dun DUUUUUUN! By his own army! Dun-dun-DUUUUUUN! Because they were sick of conquering for 8 years straight! Dun-dun-DUUUUUUN! On their way back, they crossed a desert! Dun-du--; Okay, I’ll stop. Anyway, they crossed a desert. Legend has it, that some of the men found water! They brought it back for Alex to drink in a helmet. (Did I mention the entire army was dying of thirst?)”Alexander, with a word of thanks for the gift, took the helmet and in full view of his troops, poured the water on the ground.” Man! What a waste! But, it showed Alex’s selflessness, and it motivated the men, considering the fact he had technically said they were all equals. How great Was Alexander the Great? Well, let's just say he sure was Great!