Alexander the truly great or jerk? [Danwei]

           Alexander the Great. This dude is, to be honest, a jerk who has accomplished great things, hence his name. So, are you team jerk or team great?
Alexander the Great was taught by Aristotle leading him to think he was a god, according to Mini-Q Background Essay. He defeated the Persian Empire when he was 20 and that still wasn’t enough for him. He went on a conquest for 8 years straight, eight years straight and Alex, I’m too lazy to write his full name, only stopped when his own army wasn’t willing to go on any further. But what “god” is stopped by his own followers? As if he couldn’t get anymore pompous, he named 11, yeah eleven, cities Alexandria.

    Mr.Iamsupergreat is a killer and has killed thousands of people that are supposedly his citizens. If you didn’t bow down to him or something you could die and that does not sound like a good king, if you ask me. Though