Alexander the “Great,” Seriously? [Ananya]

  War, war, war. What else did Alexander do. Sure, he is called Alexander the “Great,” but was he really that great? Was he worth Julius Caesar's tears, about 300 years later? I don’t think so. Alexander was just an egoistic killer.

    When I was going through some info, a map of Alexander’s empire is just outrageous. He killed so many people, and went on a warpath, so to say1. He conquered so much land, and may have killed so many people, that I don’t know how you people call him great.
    Also, he established so many cities, named ten cities Alexandria1. Such a big-headed guy. Ugghhhh!!!
    People, how do you call Alexander great? While doing some research, I found out that he cut off someone’s head, just because he wore the royal headband, that too, while trying to save it2. Seriously? I mean, who does that, that too after giving him over 10,000 dollars as a reward2. Supposedly, he did it because, “Prophets say that he should not allow the head that wore the royal headband to be safe.”
    Also, when they were on their warpath, they were thirsty and starving for days. Once, they were in a desert, struggling to find water. After great difficulty, a small party found water and scooped it into a helmet while reaching Alexander the Not-So Great. After giving his thanks for the water, poured it on the ground. That water could have been a good drink for every man in the army.

    Also, many cities surrendered at Alexander’s feet, but Tyre was different. Their citizens were too proud, and did not want to be under Alexander’s rule. He got so enraged, that he killed every man outside a temple, which was about 15,000 men. He made the remaining 30,000 survivors his slaves. He also, crucified 2,000 men of military age. Seriously, the man has temper issues.
    Now you could agree with me, Alexander the Bad.

1map of Alexander’s empire
2Legend of the Helmet and Legend of the Headband
3Alexander’s Legacy Chart