Alexander the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, ruler [Sienna]

Alexander the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, ruler
Alexander the Great, right? Wrong. Alexander really, was not so great. You've probably thought he is great because of his term,”Alexander the Great”. Well, you thought wrong. Did you ever actually stop to think about if he is great or not? Here's why he's not. Alexander...

  • Cut off the head of a sailor who helped him.
  • Crucified 2,000 people and sold 30,000 survivors into slavery.
  • Wasted water provided for him only.

    Alexanders hat band was blown over water and caught on a reed. A sailor swam to retrieve it and put the band around his head so it wouldn't get wet. Alexander gave him a “talent” as a reward. He then ordered for his head to be cut off because he didn't want anyone else to wear it but himself. Not convinced yet? Heres more.

    During Alexander's Siege of Tyre, 2,000 people were crucified on the beach, and 6,000 Tyrians were slaughtered. The 30,000 survivors, Alexander sold into slavery. Come on, slaughtering 6,000 innocent people isn't bad? Still not convinced? Maybe this next reason will convince you.

    Alexander's army was crossing a desert and were practically dying of thirst. A group of men went off looking for water. They found just a little bit of water and brought it back to Alexander. They poured the water into a helmet for him to drink out of and gave it to him. Alexander took the helmet and poured the water out. “So extraordinary was the effect of this action that the water wasted by Alexander was as good as a drink for every man in the army.”.

    On top of all this, When Alexander the “Great” invaded Asia, he named eleven cities, “Alexandria”, after himself. Talk about thick headed. I mean, you have to give him a little bit of credit for his empire being 2,000,000 sq. miles before his death. But, for me, this post would be a big waste of time (Almost as big as Alexander's ego) if you aren't convinced that Alexander was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, ruler.

1. Alexander’s Empire (map)
2. The Destruction of Tyre
3. Legends of the Helmet and the Hat Band
4. Alexander’s Legacy (chart)