Alexander the Nincompoop [Evan]

Slaughterer? Check. Fraud? Check. A dangerous baby with possibly no sanity? Check.
Oh. My. Holy. Zeus. Which cruel person could this possibly be?! *ahem**cough*Alexander*ahem*the “great”*cough*.
Just imagine an insane slaughterer that murdered 100, 000 civilians and soldiers1, controls literally 44% of the world population2 right now, (as someone, *cough* *cough* Alexander the “great” did) would you feel safe or comfortable?

Image result for map of alexander the great conquest
Map of Alexander’s conquest

If that wasn’t enough to convince you that he was pure evil, he was a fraud! (Cue the dramatic music dun dun DUN!!).
Have you ever experienced that one person in a class who doesn’t participate in the class activity yet, in the end, they still get rewarded since their group (probably including you) succeeded? That was Alexander. Every Time his soldiers conquered land, keyword: Soldiers, Alexander got more powerful and influential3. Keyword: Alexander. Some of you might argue by saying he was at the head of every battle leading his soldiers into battle, and he should take credit for what his soldiers did, but what wfould’ve happened if he weren’t there? Absolutely nothing.

Not malicious enough for you? Alright. What if I told you that he was a greedy, big-headed baby? Don’t believe me? Well, ok, imagine him conquering 2,000,000 sq. mi. of land4 and still wanting to go even more if it weren’t for his army5, founding 70 cities and naming every single one of them Alexandria6, and finally, whining all day about his small Macedonian empire like a baby, thrusting him and his army on an eight-year conquest for more land. There. Believe me now?

After all of this, it turns out that Alexander the “great” wasn’t so great after all.

1 Chart of Alexander’s legacy- created by various sources
3 How Great was Alexander the Great Mini-Q Background Essay
4 How Great was Alexander the Great Mini-Q Background Essay
5 How Great was Alexander the Great Mini-Q Background Essay
6 Map of Alexander’s empire and Chart of Alexander’s legacy- created by various sources