Life or Death... I choose Death [Emanuela]

“When the last organized resistance was broken, Alexander’s [soldiers] ranged through the city on a ferocious manhunt.... Alexander had ordered that all [except]those who sought sanctuary [safety in the temple] were to be slain, and his commands were executed with savage relish.1” This is how he conquers. He kills. Alexander kills. He kills and conquers, kills and conquers, kills and conquers. This is how his life works. It’s for fame.

Fame. Fame for Alexander has to do with at least one person’s death. Alexander tries to act smart but the truth is... guess what he killed someone who was completely innocent and generous with love. “He therefore put it around his own head and brought it to the king. Most biographers of Alexander say that the king gave him talent as a reward for his zeal. Then he ordered his head cut off.2” Seriously, the soldier just gave Alexander the band then got his head cut off. What was the point of the $10,000 given to the soldier? Killing your own people. Have you heard of that... Oh, wait you just did...

Want to hear more about how Alexander made his people suffer, well you’re in luck.
“Alexander, with a word of thanks for the gift, took the helmet and, in full view of the troops, poured the water on the ground.3” He just poured the only water they had on the ground! Now letting his troops suffer. Wow, would you want to be one of his troop members? I didn’t think so. Suffering, killing, and conquering. That’s Alexander’s motto.

Alexander lived and conquered. Killed many people, about 100,000 in four wars.4 When Alexander fought the Tyrians, 7,000 died and the 30,000 that lived were sold into slavery.1 But that was not enough for Alexander. He just had to. He had to crucify 2,000 men of military age.1 I know I have said this a lot but why killing! Alexander solves his problems by killing people. So why do some people think Alexander is great when everything leads to death.

So do you think Alexander is great anymore? With all his actions leading to death. For Alexander the Great doesn’t deserve “great” in his name.

1 The Destruction of Tyre- Peter Green, Alexander of Macedon
2 The Legend of the Hat Band- Ian Worthington, Alexander the Great: Man and God
3 The Legend of the Helmet- Lucius Arrianus, The Campaigns of Alexander
4 Alexander’s Legacy- Created by various sources