#How great was Alexander the Great? [Reeve]

File:BattleofIssus333BC-mosaic-detail1.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Alexander in the Alexander mosaic from the House of the Faun in Pompeii

You may have heard of Alexander the Great, well I think of him more like Alexander the power hungry. You may not believe me, but boy is it true. You probably think he must have done pretty amazing things to have gone down in history as Alexander the great but I’m here to tell you, nope, nada, no way, Alexander was not great.

Alexander was bloodthirsty. He killed 100,000 people. Many of them were innocent children and women that took care of the children. He also crucified 2,000 men of military age tearing apart families and breaking the hearts  
of many because he was insecure of the men taking his place as ruler. Do you still think he was a good person? I didn’t think so.

You also may think he was good because he spread greek culture, but that wasn’t for a good cause either. Most of the time he was just trying to get credit and get all his people to love even though he did almost no work.
He was also an extremely harsh ruler in my opinion. So what if he spread greek culture. Disobey him and you’re dead. And all he did to people who weren't Macedonian was eat sleep enslave, torture, kill repeat. He didn't exactly respect people. I am pretty sure his way of rewarding someone... would be killing them. Oh that reminds me, he actually did do that! I’ll tell you the story. So Alexander lost his hat in the ocean and a sailor went and found the hat and brought the hat back, and Alexander's way of thanking him? “Off with his head!” Now he didn’t literally say that but he did order the sailors head to be taken off. To make matters worse he even rewarded the sailor 10,000 dollars before and then while the sailor was so happy Alexander killed the sailor! Talk about cruel!