Alexander The Great, Great or Not? [Jenna]

I was reading some things on Alexander the Great and it got me thinking.  How great was he?

Yes there were some negative things about him,  but if you look at the positive things, you will realize why he was great.

I read “Alexander’s Legacy”, and his empire at the time of his death was two million square feet and I went to and it said that Alexander had forty-four percent of the world’s population. That’s alot. According to  a map of Alexander’s empire it included all of Persia. WOW!! That’s never been done before, no one has been able to do what he accomplished.

Macedonian Helmet  Height: 0.25 m  Weight: 11 kg  With griffin crest    Ancient Greek life size helmet from Macedonia of Alexander the Great.    It was made of Bronze circa 330 BC.:

I went looking further and found, in “The Legend of the Helmet” by Lucius Flavius Arrianus, that when the whole army, including Alexander, was thirsty, he poured out all the water that they gave him. Some may say that makes him not great but he did it to motivate his troops, let them know they all have the strength to go forth and he would not put himself above the rest of them. ¨So extraordinary was the effect of this action that the water wasted by Alexander was as good as a drink for every man in the army.¨ He was able to motivate them by pouring out what water they had so they would know they were all in this together and they would be strong.

I also learned, from “Alexander´s battle against Porus”by Lucius Flavius Arrianus, that he and his army, were able to defeat war elephants, I mean war elephants. Now this arm has never seen these gigantic creatures before. And he and his army were able to defeat them. He decided to use a strategy of confusing his opponents and then surrounding them. By using strategy over strength, Alexander and his army were able to pull through and defeat these giant creatures they have never seen before. Now Alexander could have given up when he saw these beasts, but no. He fought his way to victory.
 Image result for porus war elephant

Now that I have read through and heard the great things Alexander has done, and the not so great things, I still think he deserved the title, “Alexander the Great.”