Alexander the Great? Rather, Alexander the Bad. [Gauri]

…”Alexander’s [soldiers] ranged through the city on a ferocious man hunt… Alexander had ordered that all [except] those who sought sanctuary [safety in the temple] were to be slain and his commands were executed with savage relish”.1

Yeah, the struggle is real people.

…”Alexander’s [soldiers] ranged through the city on a ferocious man hunt… Alexander had ordered that all [except] those who sought sanctuary [safety in the temple] were to be slain and his commands were executed with savage relish”.1
Yeah, the struggle is real people.

Just look at the picture people! Does this look like the most happiest picture in the planet? Ok, well, maybe all wars are like this but look how many people horses, people, and animals have fallen onto the ground and died. (By the way, Alexander the “Great” is on the left side). Aside from the point, does this look very “Great” to all of you supporters of Alexander?
Well guess what people, this is not great and Alexander is NOT the Great anymore.

Okay, okay. Sure, sure. Yes, Alexander fought and conquered a huge empire when he was young, and yes, we should respect for this amazing act but-what are we exactly respecting?

Alexander, did accomplish a lot of things and it still shocks me. I mean, most people don’t even have this much motivation at the age of ten and this man, leaves his kingdom at the age of twenty, to conquer the largest empire in the ancient world. Well, yes, yes, I know. It was such a stupendous act, why is Gauri saying that he is so bad?

Well, okay, I agree that his task was incredible and when he actually accomplished it, it was even more stunning. But what he conquered in the end was really nothing. After establishing, 2,000,000 miles under his rule2, he died after just a few years, letting his empire crumble and fall apart. But the two main problems of Alexander is how careless and medicines he is and this made his empire so useless…

“Kill, kill. Conquer, conquer. The world shall be mine”... This was probably floating through Alexander’s mind when conquering Persia…
So many times, so many times! I cannot emphasize how much this needs to be pointed out, but he killed so many people. He killed 100,000 people in 4 major battles3  and hold it there. Now, that is a lot. Obviously! I mean look at it! 100,000 people and not just military but they civilians as well! Now this is going way too far. Killing military people in a war is one thing but killing a whole family or separating a whole family? No, this is way too worse.
There have been so many times that this has happened.
For example, at the battle of Tyre, he was so stumped by their wall he soon became enraged and forced his army to break the wall open…

After 7 months, “... Alexander’s [soldiers] ranged through the city on a ferocious manhunt… Alexander had ordered that all [except] those who sought sanctuary [safety in the temple] were to be slain and his commands were executed with savage relish… Seven thousand Tyrian died… Two thousand men of military age were crucified”.4

Soooo…. He’s still great, huh? Yep, he is so great because he killed so many people and did it with no mercy.

He killed 7,000 Tyrians total and crucified all the men of military age to be crucified which were 2,000 men. That’s 9,000 men killed total and this battle! Yes that is a lot and there is no denying about that.

This immediately outweighs the good of Alexander but I’m pretty sure there no good in this ol’ man.
Oh, yeah, sure Gauri. I’m totally-not creeped out by this quote and I totally still think that Alexander is great. Yep, totally.
Well, you’re just in luck, my fellow fans. I’ve got some more news for you and it isn’t good. Alexander made his own army suffer-in pain! Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating the pain part but still. Alexander still made his army suffer. You can imagine this in many different ways. One of the ways is by almost,  just, almost killing his army and then by killing- yes killing, his own army.

“The army was crossing a desert of sand; the sun was already blazing down upon them, but they were struggling on under the necessity of reaching water, which was still far away… A party… which had gone off looking for water found some-just a wretched little trickle collected in a shallow gully… Alexander with a word of tanks for the gift, took the helmet and, in full view of his troops, poured the water on the ground,” by The Legend of the Helmet.

Whoa, hold it. He almost killed his army! At least he could have left a few droplets left instead of wasting the whole thing! But what’s even worse than this legend is what happens in The Legend of the Hat Band.

“... a strong gust of wind fell on his broad-brimmed Macedonia hat and the band that encircled it. The hat being rather heavy, fell into the water. However, the band was carried along by the wind… [O]ne  of the sailors swam off towards the band and snatched it from the reed… He… put it around his own head and brought it to the king… Most biographers of Alexander say that the king gave him a talent [more than $10,000] as a reward for the zeal. Then he ordered his head to be cut off [because] the prophets had explained that… he should not allow the head that had worn the the royal band to be safe”, by The Legend of The Hat Band.

HE KILLED HIS OWN SAILER!!! I MEAN WHO DOES THAT?!? Geez, Alexander! If you were planning to kill him, you shouldn't have given him that talent of $10,000 because what was that for. Anyways, aside from the point, he killed his own sailor just because he wore his hat. That is so DUMB! Why would ANYBODY ask for help from prophets! Well, okay, Alexander did ask for help from prophets but this was useless move.

I know this already sounds really bad but the major flaw with Alexander and his empire is that-IT WAS COMPLETELY USELESS!

Don’t get me wrong on this. All those people who had to suffer under Alexander’s rule, all those people who were killed by him and his army without any mercy, they were only useful for 11 years5. Now that is pretty useless as his empire took him 10 years to build total, according to Alexander’s Legacy Chart.

Dear all those people that had to live under Alexander’s rule or had to be killed by Alexander and his army,

    I am so sorry for you. That’s why I am addressing your case to these people that have no sympathy for you…

Let me ask you now,

How Great was Alexander the Great?