Alex was the Best and you Know it! [Isaac]

Or was he?

Alexander Mosaic - Wikipedia

Do you know Alexander the Great? Big chest, ruled Macedonia for 20-something years, lead an elite army across Persia and conquered it, that guy? Well, people actually think that he was a terrible man. I mean sure he crucified 2,000 men, whatever, but he conquered 1,000 times as much land, for pete’s sake! He was pretty generous to the men who fought alongside him in war. According to The Campaigns of Alexander by Lucius Flavius Arrianes (That´s a name I never want to say again), apparently Alexander dumped water that was given to him just so that he can show that if his soldiers don´t get any water, he doesn't either. That was pretty cool of him.

Also, according to National, at the time, Alex actually conquered around 44% of the world's population.

Alex was a great guy, I mean sure, he did some cruel things, but his good things outweigh that. For example, in Alexander's Legacy from a chart compiled of various sources, it states that it took Alex 11 years to build an empire that was 2,200,000 sq. miles. WOW, ALEX! You were holding out on me, man! I gotta declare you for great just for that.

Here is me declaring Alex as great:

Me: Now Alex, I declare you the greatest person in the entire world!
Alex: Thank you, sir.
Me: Now go make me proud.
(Alex and I run off into the sunset)