Hey Alex, Are You Great or not? [Lauren]

Alexander the Great was indeed great. His empire was 2,000,000 square miles1. And maybe he cut off a man’s head for helping/returning his helmet3. So what, he killed thousands of people here and there, every conqueror does at some point in their life 1.

There is…
In India
Emperor Qin
In China

Hey and Emperor Qin brutally killed millions, he even exiled his own mother2. At least Alex had a soul. But let’s not get off track.
Source: www. bible.history.com

Also, Alex’s empire lasted twice as long as his ruling period, astonishing much1! Not to mention that he gave up his thirst so the soldiers traveling through a desert with him would feel as equals3. “So extraordinary was the effect of his action, that the water wasted by Alexander was as good as a drink for every man in the army,”(Flavius, 257). He also spread the Greek culture and religion he was not even associated with, as stated in History Alive! The Ancient World.

He was twenty when he took over his father’s kingdom, or shall I say empire, very big empire2. Sure he was not six or seven but people these days who are, twenty are at college and deciding what they wanted to do with their life. And I bet most of them are not thinking about ruling an empire and being a  
general at the same time2.

So that is it about him, though if I were to write him a letter there would first be me babbling, well I should just show you…

Hello Alex,

I hope it is okay I am calling you that: Alexander is just too long. You have missed out on a lot of stuff, including...
*World War I
*World War II 
*Cellular Phones
*Cars Pulled by Combustion Engines
*Television (I love these)
*And a lot of other stuff

First off, you are very brave and I admire you for that. You would either be a Slytherin or a Gryffindor. You are probably wondering what that means, but that is for another conversation. Also, is it true you ruled 2,000,000 square miles of land1? If so, I must say, crimany! Also, just letting you know, this guy is dead but he did sew your face on to all of his clothing2. But I must go so, please get back to me, or, nevermind I will get back to you. Adios and thank for serving your empire.


Lauren *******

1 The Chart of Alexander’s Legacy-Compiled from Various Sources
2 History Alive! The Ancient World
3 Legend of the Helmet-Written by Lucius Flavius Arriannus, The Campaigns of Alexander, circa 130 C.E.