Alexander, the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Defeater [Katie]

I guess people have already decided that Alexander the Great was great simply by his name. Well, they don’t realize what Alexander the Great really was like. In fact, he wasn’t happy with the land he had and kept on conquering more and more land until his own army turned back on him according to “The Mini-Q- How Great Was Alexander the Great?”.

Alexander the Great was not great for three reasons:
  • He was greedy about land
  • He killed a sailor for wearing his hat that had blown away
  • He destroyed many cities along the way and hurt and enslaved thousands           
alexanders route.jpg

Alexander just kept on wanting more and more land until his own army turned back on him. According to “ The Mini-Q-How Great Was Alexander the Great?”, “Finally, at the Indus River in western India, Alexander was stopped-not by any enemy, but by his own army, which refused to go further.” Alexander had been gone for eight years, and still wanted more! Unfortunately for him, he couldn’t do it without an army, so he turned back.

Not only was he greedy, he was unappreciative of his soldiers. According to The Legend of the Hat Band, Alexander killed a soldier for helping him!    A  strong gust of wind blew his heavy hat off when he was steering his trireme. One of his sailors jumped into the water to retrieve his hat for him, but when he reached the hat, he didn’t want to hold it because it would get wet. So instead of holding it, he put it on his head. When the sailor gave Alexander his hat back, Alexander at first gave him a reward, but then cut his head off. He listened to a prophet who told him his hat was not safe anymore. Why would he give the sailor a reward if he was going to cut his head off?! The soldier was just being obedient and kind. On top of that, he was superstitious!

Not only was he mean to his soldiers, he killed many  of the people he conquered. Alexander forced many towns and cities to surrender. But, if they didn’t, he would kill them. According to The Destruction of Tyre, “Alexander had ordered that all (except) those who sought sanctuary (safety in the temple) were to be slain, and his commands were executed with savage relish.” He destroyed many cities and made the survivors be sold into slavery.

He was greedy. He was unappreciative. He was mean to his soldiers. He smashed into cities and hurt the people.  
Alexander the Great? Really? He should be Alexander, the NOT so Great!