Alexander the NOT SO GREAT [Ishan]

Many people look at Alexander the “Great” and say, “ Wow, he must have done a lot of amazing things to get called Alexander the great”. Honestly, I don't think he  should be called Alexander the great. He is a greedy little spoiled king. All he wants is to take over more land and since he is a king, he can.1  You might say that he is really brave to explore ( take over) these places.


                         The reason he stopped “exploring” towards towards the east was because he was afraid of elephants.4  
It all started when Alexander’s father got murdered.2  Alexander’s father ( king Philip) wanted to take over Persia And when king Philip died, Alexander took on that task.2  He also had another reason for taking over Persia. 

It was the strongest empire and since he thought he was the best, 
he went after Persia.
The text, The destruction of Tyre,  states,” During Alexander’s march down the mediterranean coast, many cities surrendered without a fight.” This most likely happened because they were scared of Alexander and his wrong doings. Even though most cities surrendered, Tyre did not. Alexander got mad and killed more than 7,000 Tyrians.2  This brutality shows that Alexander doesn’t always care about others and will do anything to them if they stand in his way.


When they think great things about Alexander, they probably base it of textbooks that states

  • Him uniting his Empire
  • Him spreading greek ideas and culture
These are all true but these only state the good things he did. The positive things are probably ¼ of the negative things he did.

So is Alexander so Great, I don’t think so!  

1  History Alive! The Ancient World
2  Mini Q of How great was Alexander the great
3  The Destruction of Tyre

4  Alexander’s battle against Porus