Was Alexander the Great really that Great [Anna]

Great is a great word but is it a word we should be using to describe Alexander. You probably heard of Alexander the great but did you ever ask yourself why he got that title. Alexander did do good things but he does have a bad side to him a good thing he did was treat cities kindly and respected their beliefs but befor you decide   that Alexander was great you may not know but he did make not so great choices like crucified 2000 men and another not so great choice that makes me question whether Alexander was a great person or not is when he sold many into slavery. Some might say Alexander was a great person because he accomplished so much at his young age but were the things that he accomplished really that great. Alexander was taking over a lot of land and Alexander did not want to stop but the only thing that made him stop was his own army refusing to go any further and the reason they refused to go on is because when Alexander’s army reached India India had something they did not and that was elephants and Alexander’s army had horses. Elephants are much bigger than horses so Alexander’s army had to stop.I hope that after reading this blog your opinion on Alexander the great has changed. Just because Alexander had a great amount of land

Image Source: en.wikipedia.org

Sources: Mini Q, History Alive Ancient World,www.historyofmacedonia.org