Alexander the fake [Hannah]

Alexander the Great. What we call him is pretty misleading… most people just look at his feats, his power over a massive empire. But do they look at the sacrifice it took to maintain and grow his power? Did you ever hear about murder or force? We look at the good things, ignoring the bad. It’s time we talk truth about the beloved Alexander. 

Alexander the Great mosaic.jpg. "

Alexander the “Great” was a Macedonian prince who set off to conquer the Persian Empire as soon as he inherited the throne. With a crown on his head, the king expanded his empire all the way into Central Asia, stopping at the Indus River where his men refused to go on. very often, To expand his empire, he killed many people and battled others for more land. a trail of Greek culture was left behind His conquest. Alexander was egotisticAL, POWER-HUNGRY, AND A  MURDERER. 
So today,
we ask
how great was Alexander the Great?  

Ok… let’s just let that marinate for a second… Is it just me, or does he SEEM LIKE A GREEDy MANIAC?! OH RIGHT, THAT’S BECAUSE HE WAS!

Don’t believe me? Here’s some proof:

Picture this. It took him 11 years to conquer 2,000,000 square miles of land that became his empire, and he founded 70 cities!1 If that doesn’t sound selfish or power-hungry to you, think about all the people he killed and the many who had their land taken from them for him to gain control. He’s estimated to have killed 100,000 soldiers/civilians in just FOUR major battles.2 Considering the size of his “property”, I don’t think it took just four battles to get his way.

Why does he even deserve the title Alexander the Great when he murdered so many? SInce when is leading several massacres “great”? It’s a bit messed up that people would overlook his crime and give him such a title. According to “Alexander of Macedon” by Peter Green:

“... Alexander’s [soldiers] ranged through the city [Tyre] on a ferocious manhunt… Alexander had ordered that all [except] those who sought sanctuary [safety in the temple] were to be slain, and his commands were executed with savage relish.”
Two thousand military-age men were crucified.3 Poor, little resisting town. Destroyed by Alexander like many others. They may seem small to you, insignificant maybe. But imagine if that was your city that burned down, if you watched your brothers and sisters get brutally murdered. The destruction he caused meant the world for the residents, everything was lost for them, and that is a big deal. It makes me sick to think of a murderer as “great”.

Battle of Alexander versus

Another reason Alexander is not-so-great is he was extremely egotistical. He introduced himself as a god, and wore lavish Persian wardrobe. The fact that he had the nerve to conquer so much land for himself suggests he thought he was powerful, and good enough for such a big empire. He knew he was a king, and often didn’t care for others, like his men. For example, according to “The Legend of the Hat Band” by Ian Worthington:

“ … The hat, being rather heavy, fell into the water. However the band was carried along by the wind, and was caught by one of the reeds… [O]ne of the sailors swam off towards the band and snatched it from the reed. But he did not carry it in his hands because it would get while swimming. He therefore put it around his own head and brought it to the king. Most of the biographers of Alexander say that the king gave him a talent [more than $10,000] as a reward for his zeal. Then he ordered his head to be cut off…”

Horrifying, right? Talk about appreciation. A sailor just brought a royal hat band and that’s how you repay him? A reward then a decapitation? What kind of sick joke is that?! Alexander cut his head off because some prophets said no other head that wore it should be safe.4 Alexander obviously followed this because he was egotistical and thought he was much more important than the man who had just done him a wonderful favor. So, he killed him, because who else really matters when you’re Alexander the Great? That’s not how it should work, that’s not equality, or humanity.

Alexander the Ruthless. Alexander the Conqueror. Alexander the Killer. Alexander the Forceful. Alexander the Criminal. Alexander the FAKE... Should I go on? Because that’s the dark truth. You shouldn’t be considered great if you are guilty of so many horrible things. Don’t you agree?


1.  Chart of Alexander’s Legacy, Various Sources

2.  Chart of Alexander’s Legacy, Various Sources

3.  “Alexander of Macedon” by Peter Green

4.  “The Legend of the Hat Band” by Ian Worthington