Alexander = Great? [Kristen]

Many people say Alexander the Great wasn't really great!.
How can anyone even argue on this topic! If Alexander wasn't really “great”, then who is this man, many people around the globe know about! If the name says it all, then why argue? Why would his title be a lie? I disagree if you think the Great Alexander wasn't that “great”, but who am I, a middle school student to say this, but WAIT! Many sources agree with me too!

Gain Some Knowledge: Background Info

Ok, so lets go way back in time. Alexander's father, King Philip, saw that the Greeks (ancient greeks) were weak because they fought each other. King Philip used his brain, realizing that this was the best time to make his mark. He attacked and captured Greece and moved on to Persia! Here King Philip got assassinated and his son, Alexander, inherited the throne. He attacked and captured/conquered the Persian Empire! - Let's pause here. - Alexander took over the throne at 20.1 He was very young and so far, the only “wisdom” Alexander has is from his childhood and the way his father used to rule. With such little knowledge at such a young age, he continued his father's goal and took over persia. The biggest empire at the time(Persian), was what a 20 year old guy with little experience captured. But this still doesn't make him that great. - Play. - Instead of saying “Oh cool! I can controll over a bunch of people. I have the biggest empire! Let's stop here!”, Alexander had perseverance. He “... pushed further eastward into lands no greek has ever seen. He led his troops across Central Asia, fighting battles and establishing…”stated by the “How Great was Alexander” l article. In 329 BCE2  , Alexander and his army reached Western India, and conquered almost everything along his way. - Pause again. - At the age of 25, Alexander and his army had captured about half of what he knows as the world! Have you ever heard anyone actually achieving his dream of ruling the world? Of course you haven't because Alexander was the first, one, and only, one so close to achieving this dream. He wanted to unite the world at such a young age and came very close to doing so too. This, is what made Alexander the Great so great. This, allowed Alexander to deserve his title of Great. Sure, other people like Napoleon did great things too but not as much as Alexander!

Alexander received his name and title from his half-achievement, but what was his character. (BTW: his character was great too.)

Alexander was not afraid to go for what he wanted. If he wanted to conquer something or some place, he will, and has, stood in the front of the army ready to fight along with his soldiers. Alexander also respects his army. In the legend of the Helmet, the story shows how Alexander and his army are traveling through the desert with no water or food. After sometime, a couple of his soldiers saw a little bit of water and went to receive it. They brought it back to Alexander and he gratefully thanked them as he poured the water in the sand. Alexander said that he would not drink water until every man in his army received some. This shows that Alexander cares and respects his army. Alexander was very heroic at the time, showing his army (and now people) that he should be treated as fairly as the rest of the army. Alexander was the GREATEST!

Even sculptors agree that Alexander was great.


1: “ How Great Was Alexander the Great” Mini-Q background essay

2: “How Great Was Alexander the Great” Mini-Q timeline