Alexander the Great? [Firas]

Hello readers! I am just so curious if you have ever heard of Alexander the Great. Anyway, he was supposedly a celebrated military leader and king and he most definitely was, but not for his kindness or forgiveness. But more for his battle strategy and conquest. (Although he was considerate and kind to his people)

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In some ways Alexander was quite brutal but he was kind to his people (as in his warriors, and officers). For example, The Legend of the Helmet. At one point Alexander and his men were in search for water in the middle of a desert and they found a small bit of water in a ditch and his men scooped up as much as they could and poured it into a helmet and gave it to their king, but Alexander did the unexpected thing. He poured it all over the ground for all his men to see1..

This act of thoughtfulness and empathy shows that Alexander the Great was indeed great.

But as we all know I wouldn’t be arguing that he was great unless he had done something not so great because then there would be no reason for this article at all.

So all of you dear readers are now most likely trying to get through all of this talking to get to the actual story. So I’ll pity you and tell it.

As Alexander marches down the Mediterranean coast many cities surrendered without fighting some were even happy for Alexander to get rid of the Persians.
So why the fuss? Why are you even mentioning this Mediterranean march per say. Well after conquering many cities he finally came to one off the coast situated on an island this was the great city of Tyre. (pronounced “tire”)This city was happy with the Persians and didn’t think Alexander could conquer them.

So they fortified their defenses and prepared for an invasion. Tyre’s defenses held for seven months2 and this was only so because of where their city was built. It was situated on an island with high walls protecting it and this was why the Tyrians or whatever they called themselves thought their city was impenitrible.

You may be thinking to yourself well that doesn’t sound so bad he conquered many other cities. Well think again. Since he was challenged by this city he ordered a manhunt to kill all of the people who were not seeking refuge in the temple3. This order was carried out with a creepy amount of pleasure.

After hearing all of this you could make the argument that he was great for being very memorable as the person who conquered all of Egypt Asia minor and even into parts of west India.
Or you could make the argument that he was a brutal cold hearted man that killed hundreds of innocent women children and men. Now that you have been told the facts was Alexander the Great actually great.

Well I’ve already made my decision and it is that Alexander was great in the sense that he was a Greek hero and that it was a great achievement to rule over almost all of the known world at the time. But in the sense of being a thoughtful and kind leader he was a cold blooded killer.
Well if you are reading this you are probably thinking to yourself that’s two answers not one! Well that is my answer and it is literally that he is great in one sense but awful in the sense that he was kind.

Thank you for reading the article. It has been a pleasure.

Image result for map of macedonia