Alexander The … Nothing. Just Nothing. [Nikhil]

Alexander The Great. This guy is one of the most debated topics in history, yet some historians believe that he did not deserve this kind of fame. I mean like, come on! How would you react if you saw a 30 year old that conquered 2,000,000 miles of land1 on the sidewalk? That is actually legit. Your reaction might be, “OMG. This guy is so awesome!”. But then the question occurs: did Alexander deserve that kind of respect?
Some words to describe Alexander is:
  • Bossy
  • Rude
  • Cruel
  • Greedy
  • Arrogant
And most of all, Alexander had a big ego. I mean like, he thought he was a god when he was born, and he demanded respect from his followers 2. Even though Alexander had one of the deadliest armies in the world, the macedonian phalanx, ( the picture shown below), his army retreated from the elephants that they could have taken out. Another reason that the army men retreated is because they were extremely exhausted,and that is also because Alexander The “Great” kept pushing them on to fight for 8 years in a row. That guy was actually insane. And guess what? As soon as he died at the age of 33 (there goes the fact that he was a so called “god”), his empire crumbled right after, faster than he even made it2.
I have another example for you today, and that is about the legend about Helmet. It is about the army crossing a very hot and scorching desert of sand. Alexander’s whole army needed water, and they were massively dehydrated. Some of Alexander’s troops went to find a source of water and when they did, they brought it back to him. But guess what? Instead of giving the water to his army, he disposed the water and drained it on the ground3. That is Alexander the “Great” for ya.

1: Alexander the Great Legacy Chart
2: Alexander the Great Mini Q
3: Alexander the Great: Legend of the Helmet