Alexander the Big-Headed [Simran]


Okay, let’s be straight here. ALEXANDER WAS NOT GREAT AT ALL! He is not so called “great”, and did not deserve that title.

Here is why:

~ Conquered 11 cities

~ Killed many animals and citizens

~ He carelessly let almost half his army die in battle

~ He wasted water in front of an entire thirsty army of parched men

~ He decapitated a man who saved his royal hat band

~ He was a dinky, big-headed brat

~ He killed 100,000 people in his lifetime (including citizens!)

~ Huge ego

~ Full of himself

~ He began conquering cities at age 20!

~ He named every conquered empire “Alexandria”


Alexander was a ruthless murderer. He killed soldiers and citizens and people in his own army. He also conquered 11 cities. But how did he do it? Sure some may have surrendered, but only after they heard what he did to the rest of the cities… He murdered innocent people to take over cities and called them “Alexandria”. Real creativity Alex.


Seriously, this is HITLER STATUS! Nobody's THAT heartless! He is just so greedy! I cannot believe he got the title “great”. All he wants is area of land and power and triumph, as he travels across the land looking for more lives to RUIN. And he was only 20 when he became King. So imagine how old he was when be started thinking about killing people and murdering cities…
Pretty young.

It’s horrific! And he is just so cruel. He dragged around his army for 4 years and used them and turned them into VILE ANGRY MONSTERS.  *sigh* I feel really bad for his army! I’m glad they finally decided to refuse at some point. Thankfully he got an awful disease and died a couple days later. But that’s also when his empire crumbled to the ground.

In conclusion, Alexander was an evil dude, and deserved punishment in his time. He was not great at all. He definitely did NOT deserve that title.

So... do you agree?

1 - History Alive!
2 - Alexander’s empire (Map)