What Does Great Really Mean? [Ryder]

The definition of great according to the Oxford English Dictionary is, Of ability, quality, or eminence considerability above the normal or average. Alexander III of Macedon wasn’t named Alexander the Great for nothing. He took over the whole Greek and Persian empires in just thirteen years, only killing around 100,000 people out of almost two million square miles of land. The Roman empire at its largest was two point two million square miles and was conquered over centuries with millions of men. Alexander the great respected the religion and culture of every place that he took over. All of this happened when he was only in his mid twenties. Our army generals have an average age of around their late thirties to early fifties. *Source: artcreationforever.com    Alexander fought on every battle and won every battle. Sure, he did do some bad things, such as cutting peoples heads off and enslaving people, but he really wasn’t that bad compared to other ancient emperors we know of, such as Ramses of Egypt, Darius of Persia, or Caesar of Rome. Yes, many people will go on and on about how he killed and enslaved people, ranting that he is a brutal and ruthless conqueror, but those people are over exaggerating greatly. Even though he was a conqueror, that is part of what made him great, how he conquered nearly the size of the Roman empire, as I said before.

Alexander also had a lot of intelligence and military strategy in that big head of his. He was personally taught by the famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle. He was also trained by some of the greatest military minds of Greece and Macedonia, such as his father, Philip.

Overall Alexander the third of Macedon was one of the greatest leaders and soldiers that the Ancient world had ever seen. His military strategy was infallible, his tactics were amazing, and his leadership was astonishing. Alexander the Great is truly GREAT!