The Victory of Alexander the Great [Nivi]

You heard it right. The Victory of Alexander. But hey, he does deserve it.  Being only 20 years old, he achieved more than any other person in the ancient world. He had led his army across the tough terrains of Persia, and actually made it out alive.

Who do you call a balanced person? It has to be someone who really manages their time and priorities well enough to understand what comes first. To Alexander, it was Safety. He would do anything to save his army from danger, and at the same time, having strategic plans at  battle. For example, he took much initiative in saving the Greek army from a herd of elephants in Western India while fighting the Porus army.
Alexander had a lot of amazing qualities that created a positive impact on the journey.
  • He treated surrendering cities kindly
  • Put one of the battles to rebellion

Alexander brought Greek culture to Persia.
  • For example, he had strong cultural influence in art, rituals, and religion
  • Greek has remained the official language of Jordan for 1,000 years!
  • 70 cities were founded in Greece’s honor
  • United\unified the Ancient world with a varied community

I mean, if you think about it, could any other person found as many cities as he could in 10 years? Oh come on, he was living in the ancient world about 2,000 years ago.

The Legend of the Helmet: by Lucius Flavius Arrianius, is a story about the Greeks stopping at a blazing desert. Which means, the Greeks are probably going to be out of water. When a soldier bought him water out of the blue, he simply poured it onto the ground. This meant a word of thanks to that soldier. The Legend states, that the water wasted by Alexander was as good as a drink for every man in his army.

Convinced you yet?

 According to the quote by Kasi Khushnawaz, in the book “In the footsteps of Alexander the Great”, the whole Islamic world looks up to him as an ancestor. Being brave, and dauntless, he has sure lived up to his name.