The Greatness of Alexander [Michael]

We’ve all heard of Alexander the Great. Heck! He’s even an otter             
 pop flavor! But is all that credit deserved? 
Well I’m here to tell you the reason why he got the title.
Alexander inherited rule of Macedonia in 336 BCE when he turned 20, and conquered most of the known world by the age of 33. His reign extended Macedonia by millions of square miles at it’s height.1 Although he was a violent and ruthless killer, he was also a generous and kind leader to those who surrendered. In fact, he was such a great leader that his 2,000,000 square mile kingdom only lasted 10 years after his death! It wasn’t long, but that shows how well he ruled: no other could rule as fairly and as kindly as Alexander.
And, come on. Ruling millions of miles of land is hard to do when you’re dead.                                                                     
Alex map


During his conquest, Alexander treated surrendered cities very nicely. He let them keep, their government officials, and repaired damaged property.2 He created an empire through kindness. Well done, Alexander. He was also a skilled military tactician. According to Lucius Flavius Arrianus,”The Campaigns of Alexander”, Alexander was able to desensitize an enemy to war cries, until he actually advanced his army. He was an astounding leader. In another excerpt from Lucius’ “The Legend of the Helmet”, “So extraordinary was the effect of this action that was as good as a drink for every man in the army.” This beautifully demonstrates how Alexander cared for his soldiers, 
nothing but appreciation and equality with them.    

     Image result for antigonus monophthalmus

Wow! What a rebel! Pouring out the only water he could find. And, one last thing: he trained under the Aristotle!2 Alexander’s love for Greek culture grew, until he eventually spread it throughout the world. Dang! Even some Kalish words are the same in Greek. Alexander was Great!

(1chart on Alexander’s legacy; various sources.2chapter on Alexander; History Alive!: Ancient History.3Kasi Khushnwaz; In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great by Michael Wood.)