Do You know Great? [Logan]

Many things are great in the world, and so are some people. But there is one man who makes people contradict on his greatness. This man is Alexander the Great. He was a greek leader who conquered like, 2,000,000 square miles of land!1 I mean, that’s as close as anybody else has gotten to conquering the world
He deserves his title of,”Alexander the Great”.
Alexander was not a self-hearted guy either, he cared for others too. According to,”The Legend of the Helmet” by Lucius Flavius Arrianus:

“So extraordinary was the effect of this action that the water was wasted by Alexander was as good as a drink for every man in the army.”2

This is so because it wouldn’t make a difference if Alexander was the only person to drink that water. Only one man in the army getting a drink doesn’t make a difference unlike all the people getting a drink. In this case Alexander realizes that it’s not right for just him to get a drink, and none is better than one.

Alexander is also very considerate about region and religious beliefs. One thing he did was let the people of cities he conquered keep their religion.3 This was ridiculously significant, and a very rare thing in the ancient world. With religion Alexander respectfully:

-let conquered peoples keep their religion(as stated earlier)
-spread Greek ideas and encouraged mixed cultures/religions4
-respected other religions5
-adopted ideas and gods from other religions6

Who wouldn’t call that great? It barely ever happened in the ancient world.

There is much more to Alexander than I have stated, and these were just some major points. An example of something else he did is only taking down cities if they refused to surrender. But a king’s gotta do what a king’s gotta do. He was overall a great man who created and ruled his empire well. Also, it might not be seen by many, but he still leaves an impact today.

Image result for Alexander the Great

1Chart of Alexander-created by various sources
2The campaigns of Alexander by Lucius Flavius Arrianus
3History Alive! The Ancient World(294)
4History Alive! The Ancient World(292)
5History Alive! The Ancient World(292-294)

6History Alive! The Ancient World(293-294)