All Hail Alexander [Jackson]

He was the supreme power of 2,000,000 square miles of land. (according to a chart of Alexander's legacy by various sources) But he didn't let power get to his head. He allowed people to keep their cultures and he also spread his. There were many reasons he was a Great leader.

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• He conquered the biggest Picture credit to Penny Worms and Anthony Lewis t current empire.1
• He kept his troops going for ten years1

• He was smart in his military skills 1

• He fought with his troops and suffered with them  1

• He spread greek culture, Ideas, and much more 1

• According to a chart from various sources he killed 100,000 people. This was way less than actual villains

• According to a chart from various sources he conquered 70 cities

• According to the legend of the helmet he refused water unless everyone got some
Some people thought that Alexander was barely a human but according to the book Alexander the Great by Worms and Lewis when Alexander's horse Bucephalus died, he was so sad he named city after it and cried for days.

Image result for alexander the great by worms and lewis
According to he did the same for his favorite dog. This shows that he cares about things like all other human beings. The only difference was that he is just a powerful leader
1 gotten from History Alive! The Ancient

-----Picture Credit to

-------Picture credit to Penny Worms and Anthony Lewis------