Alexander the Terrible [Yash]

For many people, Alexander the great was a hero and they think he set a good example in history. How would you feel if you lived in Greece and your father was fighting a war with thebes and he was killed. He wouldn’t have died from getting killed from thebes, but by getting speared by Macedonia, a place you have never even heard of.

How can a man who killed 100,000 soldiers and civilians in only four battles even be normal ? Alexander the great killed all of those people and just proved that he was a ruthless murderer. Why call a man who killed so many people great ? 

    Cities and towns that tried to resist from surrendering, Alexander would burn their buildings to the ground. Imagine yourself standing in the middle of street with all of these buildings burning to the ground. Your house, your marketplace, your holy temple and your town. Alexander took the people from the towns and tortured them. 
He sold the people into slavery and took your family away from you.

  According to “The Campaigns of Alexander” by Lucius Flavius Arrianus: “He was stopped at the Indus river in India by a horde of elephants with warriors riding them.
Alexander was also extremely high headed as well and according to Alexander’s Empire, a map created from various sources, he named eleven cities by his own name. Their was one legend from Lucius Flavius Arrianus, the Campaigns of Alexander, where one day Alexander was driving his ship, and the wind took his hat not far but his hat band went flying into the wind. One of the wsailors swam to the hat band and grabbed it. He then put the hat band on so it wouldn’t get wet and came to Alexander. Alexander was pleased but thought that only he was holy enough to wear it and orderered the mans head to be cut off.

Alexander the Great was not great, but terrible.