According to Peter Green:
“ . . . Alexander’s [soldiers] ranged through [Tyre] on a ferocious manhunt… The air grew thick with smoke from burning buildings. 7,000 Tyrans died… Sidons [allies of Alexander] . . . managed to smuggle some 15,00 of them [Tyrans] to safety.”
As you can see Alexander was bloodthirsty. Although he made cities he was killing others. Another example is,”The Legend of the Hat Band.”, by Ian Worthington,”Alexander was . . . steering a trireme [a warship with oars], when a strong gust of wind…[blew off his hat band] was carried by the wind, and was caught by one of the reeds… [O]ne of the sailors swam [after]... the band… but did not carry it in his hands because it would get wet… So he put it around his head… Then he [Alexander] ordered his [the man who saved the hat band] head to be cut off…”
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There, another source that says that Alexander was blood thirsty. See, Alexander was blind in that he couldn’t see that the man was doing him a favor.
I do have other sources besides bloodthirsty conqueror. Alexander the Great (not really) was very egotistical. The man named at least 11 cities after himself, that’s a little much1 . My opinion of Alexander given the documents that I got is that he was a bloodthirsty, egotistical, ruthless conqueror.
1The Map of Alexander’s Empire, Created From Various Sources