Alexander The Grody [Aidan]

To start this, you must know the definition of the word grody.
Gro•dy [Groh•Deeh] adj.-
1.repulsive; disgusting; nauseating.
2.inferior in character or quality; seedy; sleazy:
Now that we have gotten that straight, I’ll tell you more about Alexander. He is more well known as Alexander the Great, but by the end of this post you will easily be able to tell that he does not deserve this title of honor. He was a Macedonian prince bent on destruction-when he inherited the crown after his father's assassination. He than rampaged through the ancient world, razing anything and slaughtering anyone that got in his way. Many civilizations bowed down before his icy, cruel      stare. Commanding an empire that stretched from Italy to India, he was the person who got closest to ruling the world alone. While that may seem Great, (Great with a capital ‘G’) he did this with unjustified means to an end.1 


He was clearly evil  when he committed genocide on the city of Tyre. The citizens had resisted him, so he sacked their city and ordered that all of those except for those who had sought sanctuary at the holy temple to be slain, (As he had not wanted to anger the gods.) and then his orders were executed with savage relish(Not the kind of relish on hot dogs, but the kind of relish that is doing something you have wanted to do for a long time. The remaining survivors were either sold into slavery or crucified.2 P079_TowerBurn.jpg
Now that you have read how how disgustingly violent he was, you should know how revoltingly stuck up he was too! He set up garrison towns wherever he went, and eleven of those twenty were named Alexandria, and a twelfth  town Alexandroupolis! If that isn’t enough, he thought he could cement an alliance with persia by marrying the king's daughter, the daughter  of the king he had just killed! If that isn't outrageous for you, nothing can be!3

Now that you know this, you can totally define the fact that Alexander the Great was not great, yet grody. He was definitely gross and dirty, repulsive, disgusting, revolting, repellent, foul, nasty, distasteful, and sick in every way. He clearly does not deserve the title, and shall now be known as Alexander the Grody.

1-(Mini Q, How Great was Alexander the Great?Document E) 2-(Mini Q, Document C,Green Peter , Doc C) 3- (History Alive! The Ancient World Textbook, Chapter 30)