Alexander the Great: Was He Really Great? [Breanna]

By spreading Greek culture Alexander opened up a whole new world to so many people. While spreading his culture he still let the people keep theirs. When the Greek culture was spread Greek language was spread as well. This is awesome because it allowed people to create new cultures based off of two completely different cultures.  Poseidon, the god of the sea,
One language came out  of this called Kalish. The Kalish language also has its own culture which is somewhat similar to the original Greek culture.1

Alexander the Great: Was He Really Great?

Alexander the Great might have wanted to conquer the whole world like many other men and yes he may have done some terrible things to get his way,but think about all his characteristics and great achievements.

*He spread greek culture. 
*Defeated the Persians. 
*He let people keep their religion
*How intelligent he was.

Alexander overtook the Persians and became king of Persia. Many people were happy that the Persians were gone. Alexander’s rule of Persia included him taking in Persian culture. He started to wear Persian Robes and have people greet him in the Persian way by bowing at his feet then kissing them. He even Married the king of Persia’s daughter as his second wife. When he tried to encourage his men to inter-marry they refused 
because they were Greek and didn’t want to marry a Persian woman.
He even respected the other religions. How often do you ever see that in the ancient world? Almost never. He took in other religions and respected religious leaders. He let his people keep their own religions and didn’t force them to honor the Greek gods and goddesses.2
Alexander was extremely intelligent. He was taught by Aristotle himself as a young boy. His war tactics were smart and got the job done. Everything he did was clever and well thought out. Such as when he was fighting Porus. “He realized that he could not cross at the point where Porus was encamped, his elephants were too numerous...When Alexander saw this, he decided to move his troops in all different directions so that Porus was puzzled.”3Other resolutions: 304 × 240
So the next time you think about Alexander the Great, recognize him as an intelligent, respectful military leader who conquered like half the world.

Sources:1In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great by Michael Wood, 2History Alive! The Ancient World, 3The Campaigns of Alexander bh Lucius Flavius Arrianus