Alexander the Great (not so great) [Axl]

Was Alexander really as great as he was painted out to be? He killed 100,00 people in only four battles and anyone who resisted him had a bad time.


In cities who resisted him he either killed or enslaved the people living there. the slaves were treated harshly as well. Let's be honest here if you can kill 100,000 people in 4 battles you’re not exactly the best person. Alexander literally killed one of his men by chopping Off his head because when retrieving his hat band he put it on so he didn’t get it wet.1  He also crucified 2,000 men of military age and 7,000 other people from that same city were killed as well all because they didn’t surrender to him.

Crocodile Hat Band with Teeth

Alexander conquered 2,000,000 square miles of land because he felt like following his dad’s plan to conquer persia. Do you as a person think that “I felt like it” is a good reason to conquer 2,000,000 square miles of land? Because I very much do not, but that’s just my opinion though. Alexander the great or if you agree with me you’ll be saying not so great, really wasn’t that good of a person and had even worse motives not to mention he killed and enslaved a lot of people unnecessarily. So in my opinion cross out that great Great because he wasn’t.

1source: Ian Worthington, Alexander the Great: Man and God, Longman 2004
(The Legend of the Hat Band)