Alexander the “Great” [Skyler]

Everybody has heard of Alexander the great, but was he really  all that great?
I could list at least 10 reasons why he was the worst, but I don’t want this to be too long.
He was such a hypocrite, he dumped out water his soldiers gave to him so they would see him as an equal. But then he cut off the head of an unroyal person because he wore the royal hat band.1,2 That is the DEFINITION of a hypocrite.

Not only was he hypocritical but he was a mass murderer. He killed 100,000 people in just 5 battles.3 He burned down the towns that refused to be his followers and he used used his enemies elephants against them.4,1 Peter green said in his book: “...Alexander’s [soldiers] ranged through  the city on a ferocious manhunt…seven thousand tyrians died”

He obviously had some anger issues. Alexander also sold about 30,000 people into slavery.3 If this was how his empire was built it makes a lot of sense why it fell apart after he died.

Alexander was also so vain I am surprised he didn’t spend all his time in front of a mirror.He named 10 cities after himself.6

Alexander thought of himself as a god. But if you think about it it makes it easy to manipulate other people into believing you are a god and that they should accept you as a leader.Alexander the “Great” does not deserve that title because he is a vain hypocritic with some anger issues.