Alexander The Great, No Seriously, He Was [Abigail]

Alexander the Great might have actually been great, even if other people disagree. His main goal was to unite those with different cultures under a single government1. He also wanted to spread Greek cultures and ideas. Yes, he might have threatened people, but he was just trying to bring these people together, if you think about it.
According to, “History Alive! The Ancient World,” Alexander used religion to inspire loyalty. He respected the people's cultures and religions. He even adopted some of these customs.
Alexander conquered A LOT of land and the people got some advantages too. While he was on his journey conquering his land, he even named many cities after himself. He called them Alexandria. Even though it sounds selfish, Alexandria…’s, became some of the largest learning and trade centers in the Ancient World. Without him, Greek culture probably wouldn’t have spread that early.
Another example of Alexander actually being great was when him and his army were in the desert. Everyone was very tired, thirsty, and dehydrated. Some men finally found water, and of course, gave it to their leader, Alexander. There was obviously not enough water for everybody. Alexander believed in equality and fairness. So, what he did, was he emptied the helmet full of water in front of everyone2. You are probably thinking, “What?!! Why!! How Could He Do That??!!!! Whaaat!!!” Well, he did this for his army. It surprisingly shows that he cared because he made it fair for himself and the army. It also shows that he wasn’t as selfish than you thought he had been and that he didn’t want to be treated differently from anybody else.
After all, Alexander the Great was a good person. He should definitely be known for his bravery and strength. He should be remembered for being a great leader, which he was.

  1. “History Alive! The Ancient World”
  2. “The Campaigns of Alexander, The Legend of the Helmet”