Alexander the "Great" [Ellie]

Many people think of “Alexander the Great”, as genuinely great. But there are many different things about this man they don’t know. Are you one of these people?
Alexander lived in Macedonia, up until he was about 20 years old, his father, King Philip II owned most of the mainland Greece and had a strong army that was able to conquer a lo, after taking over a lot of land, and wanted to conquer Persia next, in 336 B.C.E. he died of sickness and Alexander ws the next heir to the throne.
Alexander studied under a famous philosopher named Aristotle, which included public speaking, science, and philosophy. Alexander put down a rebellion by some greek city-states and he carried on his father’s plan to conquer Persia.
  1. Would reunite Greeks by giving them a common enemy to fight against (not each other).
  2. To carry on his father’s footsteps
  3. His victory would add to his wealth and well being
In my opinion, what make a great ruler is one that genuinely cares about the issues that are being held, and they need to be able to think fast and smartly to fix the problem. To be a great leader, you need to have all these traits:
  1. Concern for others
  2. Courage
  3. Leadership
  4. Intelligence

The reason why when you are a leader and need to have these traits is because, to be able to have citizens like you, and agree with the way you rule, which means you will be able to rule longer. And I  mean, who won’t want that?
  1. Courageous
  2. Prideful and self-centered
  3. Intelligent

Alexander was very smart, but sometimes, he did things that he didn’t have to. *He killed a lot of men in the age able to go to war, so he wouldn’t have to fight as many. This was smart, but instead he could’ve made them either slaves or not kill them as cruel. He had crucified some which is when they are nailed to a cross made of wood and hung there until the died. 1 Alexander of Macedon
When someone is in power, it’s good to be humble, because when you get too proud, you think you can do a lot more than you actually can and it would weaken your army [to think that you can conquer more and more], the citizens and yourself.
Alexander used many things to help his empire. *He spread ideas that were originated from Greece, throughout the corners of his empire. He also spread religion and by that, I mean he told his people, to honor all the Persian and Egyptian Gods including HIMSELF. Seriously, who would call themselves a god??? Alexander, that’s who. 2 History Alive
The things that make you a good ruler, things like caring about others and wanting to help fix their problem just for the rulers benefits, and as they care, people will admire and love the ruler, which can lead to loyalty, and a longer empire. Alexander the “great” did things only for himself, to improve his wealth.                                                                                                      1 Alexander of Macedon, 2History Alive