Why was Alexander so Great! [Albert]

I don’t know why people are even debating if Alexander the Great was great. I mean it’s literally in his name. It’s not just the name though.He had many great accomplishments. 1He and his army were able to take down the Persian Empire, which was the biggest empire at the time, 2he was able to defeat the Indians in battle, and he was very inspirational. Defeating the Persian Empire by itself is great enough to get the title of great. I mean it might have been the biggest empire of all time!1He also replaced king Darius on the throne, but he didn’t stop there. 2He also defeated the Indians in battle and the Indians were 2one of the only people who had elephants fighting for them! Yes,you read that correctly. They had elephants! 2Alexander was able to get his army to confuse the elephants. 2He confused them by having his army move in all different directions. 2The elephants got so confused, that they started to kill both sides! The Indians were having their strongest force go against them because of Alexander. That’s pretty great to me, but he wasn’t just great, he was also very inspirational. 3He and his army were in the desert and were suffering from thirst. 3 Someone finally found water and poured it in a  helmet and gave it to Alexander to drink, but instead of drinking it3 he poured it all on the GROUND! I know that sounds like a horrible thing to do, but just think about it for a few seconds. If he had drank that water he would have shown a lot of selfishness. If he drank it everyone else would have continued to suffer except for him. By not drinking that water he inspired his army to find more water and fight through the pain. I honestly can not believe that Alexander the Great was able to do all these things that deserve a title far greater than great and especially at such a young age.alexander-defeated-darius-at-battle-of-guagamela.jpg
Source: annoyzview.wordpress.com

1Alexander the Great mini-Q
2The battle of India
3The legends of Alexander