Alexander the great - Horrible! [Avery]

Alexander the great Horrible!
Image result for how great was alexander the great

Ever heard of alexander the great? If you haven't, well now you have. The first thing that probably came to your mind that he is a pretty great guy. Nope. he is absolutely positively horrible. Don't believe me? Well..
  • He kills
  • Tortures
  • Is PURE EVIL!!
Alexander the so called “great” was crazy in the first place! His father created this deadly fighting machine called the phalanx. Alexander was only a kid, but still was eager to use it. With just his luck,a few days later his father died. He used that army to conquer the persian empire.

When alexander got his army he killed a lot of people. He ended up killing 100,000 people! These were soldiers and civilians! I don't know about you but this really annoys me. If he was called Alexander the Great, why was that? Was it because he conquered 44% of the world? Was he so great because he got Julius Caesar's tears? By the way he did not deserve those tears! You might be thinking,”Well if he killed all those people, maybe it wasn't all his fault”, well it was and he killed some of those people in very torturous ways!

Just warning you, you might not want to read this next paragraph because he killed some of these people in very torturous ways, and not even for good reasons. This is about PG 13 so you may want to stop here. You could say Alexander was very great because he was super smart, but according to the campaigns of Alexander, he used elephants to crush people. Another way he killed people is he had a war and the people remaining, he crucified! To me, I don't see any point in doing that! He must have been thinking,”Well, if I could conquer their whole town, why not kill the rest of them?”. Now what does he have left to rule? If he wants to conquer a piece of land, he should keep some people to control. Also, when him and his army were walking through the desert, they were in thirst of water. When men from his army brought Alexander a helmet with water in it, he wasted it by throwing it on the ground! In the legend of the helmet, it says he did it because,”...water wasted by Alexander was as good as a drink for every man in the army.” This next thing he did was he killed a man that helped him. Alexander had this Macedonian hat. With a large gust of wind, it fell into the water. Then a sailor caught it. He brought it back to him by wearing on his head so it wouldn't get wet and giving it back. Then Alex gave him a talent as a reward. Then, he ordered his head to be cut off. The only reason he did it, is because he thought that nobody but him should wear his hat. SERIOUSLY?!?!

As you can tell, Alexander the “Great” is a little brat that gets whatever he wants thanks to his army the phalanx. Now what do you think? Great or not so great?

Source: legend of the helmet - legend of the macedonian hat -