Alexander the (not so) great [Kiersten]

Alexander. The name stings, at least to me it does. Hearing the name when I was younger made me think he was the “real deal”. After learning what he did, it simply stings. Obviously, the question has been debated many times. Was he worthy of his name, or is it misleading?
 ***This picture shows a sculpture of Alexander***

Ok, so I'm not going to lie to you. He did do some good things. For example, he did conquer 44% of the world’s population2. But, being realistic, the bad things outweighed the good. Being honest, conquering land doesn’t really make him great. If you’re reading this and you're totally for Alexander, I apologize. But the Alexander you might think is so great (hence the name“Alexander the Great”), is really not that great. First, he crucified 2,000 men.1  Still think he’s great? What if I told you he sold 30,000 people into slavery?1  Alexander also set fire to many buildings in Tyre (a small city in Greece)1.

***This image shows a building in Tyre being burned by some of Alexander’s soldiers***

As you have probably learned, this guy is pretty insane. He would kill everyone in his path!1 Talk about anger issues! I hope you believe me when I say a name can be very misleading. I believe only a great person should have the title “great”.  So next time you hear the name “Alexander the Great” remember he was actually NOT SO GREAT!

1 Peter Green, Alexander of Macedon, University of California Press, 1991