Alexander the not so great [Kai]

   Alexander the great? How about Alexander the cruel? Or Alexander the Not so great? You have probably heard of alexander the great but have you thought about how great he really was. Now you're probably thinking “Well hence the name alexander the great so he must really be great, right?” Wrong.

   Alexander was not at all great. Most people who think he is… there wrong. He (alexander) killed 100,000* innocent men women and children! Still think he is great? But wait, there's more, He crucified 2 thousand people and because of this sent 30,000 men into slavery1). All of this for more land and people to rule over? Talk about power hungry.

   Now Alexander wasn't all bad, his empire was 2,200,000 Sq. miles give him some credit. But in doing so he killed thousands. One legend states* Alexander lost his royal headband in the water and one of his men swam out, grabbed it and came back therefore returning it. Long story short alexander the ‘great’ killed him (what a nice guy) as a way of saying “thank you”. Still think he's great?