Was Alexander The Great Really That Great? [Avanti]

Alexander the Great. Was he really as “great” as he’s known for. I say he was. He was a great leader as well as battle strategist. According to Lucius Flavius Arrianus’s, The Campaigns of Alexander, Alexander once used his enemy’s own elephants to defeat them. He used an amazing battle strategy to box the elephants in, causing them to trample their drivers and other members of the army.poru's army elephants
Along with being the the things above, Alexander built a diverse and beautiful empire. The text, History Alive: The Ancient World, states that Alexander united many parts of the ancient world and created his empire.

Instead of throwing out all the cultures, languages,etc. of the places he conquered, Alexander decided to preserve them in order to build a  more diverse empire.
Last but not least, he was a fair and equal leader. The Legend of the Helmet, by Lucius Flavius Arrianus, states that  two members of Alexander’s army finally found water after many days of crossing desert. One of the men scooped up a small amount of water into his helmet and brought it to Alexander. Alexander, knowing that the other men in the army would feel bad if only he got water, poured the water onto the ground. 

The legend states that so extraordinary was Alexander’s action that the 
water wasted by him was as good as a drink for every man in his army.

All in all, I hope this blogpost has told you enough about Alexander for you to realize that he really was and always should be remembered as Alexander the, truly, Great.