How great WAS Alexander the Great [Kyle]

Have you ever wondered if Alexander the Great really deserved his sign to be “great?” Well to be honest with you Alexander doesn’t really deserve that title. If you knew what Alexander did during his time period, you will agree that he is one of the most outrageous people to set foot onto the planet. He is a conqueror, a murderer, and a destroyer.
According to various sources, Alexander conquered land that he really didn’t need but had the city under his control. He went to conquer land just to make his empire bigger when he has one of the biggest empires in his time period! Why would he want more land? He also ruthlessly took away many lives of innocent civilians. The armies of the small towns are trying to defend themselves because they want to save their skin. Anyone that ran away was instantly crucified.
Alexander is a murderer since he shed so much blood that he is practically a demon. According to Peter Green at the University of California Press (255), He caused a rampage in Tyre. He destroyed the growing empire- completely and utterly. He killed 7000 civilians and crucified 2000 more that were military age. Then he stormed the temple of Melkart and captured the 30,000 civilians taking shelter. They were sold to slavery and some to the army. It was a horrible sight for the Tyrians. Even though he sold them into slavery, he killed 15,000 more just to be safe in case a tyrian uproar will go off on him. Now you believe that Alexander is not the greatest person alive? Well he also is a very violent destroyer. Various sources told that he destroyed 70 cities and one empire. He even destroyed his own empire by not giving a heir. So the generals split up the land and cause the downfall of his empire. 
Thankfully he was destroyed once and for all. 
Also Alexander lost his title “great.” He is more like Alexander the Ruthless. 
A very fitting name for him.
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